Pokemon Gba Rom Hack
Posted : admin On 09.01.2019

Pokemon Rom Hacks List A list of pre-patched and tested Pokemon Rom Hacks, available to play on a Game Boy Advance emulator. If you are new to roms, learn how to play them here. You can view the full list of all Pokemon GB, GBC, GBA, NDS hack tools on pokemonhacking.com. 100+ tools are free to download with tutorials. We are working hard to.
Author: darkfire72 Release Year: 2013 Original Version: Pokemon Fire Red Language: French Version: 2.2 (99% Completed) Pokemon Hard-Fire is a hack of Pokemon FireRed in French. Aiming to change the normal Pokemon FireRed into a new hack which is much more different, a French hacker has created this Pokemon Hard Fire in his own ways. After learning to hack for a long time with many different techniques and skills, he changed everything successfully. Features Many Pokemon come from the Gen IV – Gen V – Gen VI.
Gba Emulator
New starters: Pichu – Grenouss – Feunnec. The back-sprites and overworlds sprites of many trainers are replaced. The newest type Fairy was also added. Sometimes the scenarios are changed, but they still follow the main storyline. All starters are offered, sold or exchanged during the adventure.