Free Online Foreign Language Courses
Posted : admin On 21.12.2018- Best Online Language Courses
- Free Online Foreign Language Courses For Kids
- Free Online Courses Teaching English As A Foreign Language
1 California University of Pennsylvania • • California University of Pennsylvania has an online Bachelor of Arts in Arabic Language and Culture. The degree can be earned entirely online, and students who follow a suggested eight-semester outline of coursework complete their degree in four years.
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The curriculum emphasizes reading, writing and speaking standard modern Arabic, and students also have the option to learn Egyptian and Levantine dialects. Classes also cover cultural topics such as geography, religion, and food of the region. Students take capstone courses to enhance their language skills and deepen their understanding of Arabic culture.

The college also has a completely online Certificate in Arabic Language and Culture. CUP will accept up to 45 transfer credits from the Defense Language Institute forthe degree program. 2 Central Texas College • • College students who want to major in a foreign language can complete the first two years of their degree online in a program at Texas Central College that results in an Associate of Arts in Modern Language. This is a 60-credit program that covers many of the general studies requirements needed for a bachelor's degree.
Best Online Language Courses
The student will also take four semesters of a foreign language for this degree. Online classes are asynchronous, so students can view coursework when it fits into their schedule. CTC's online classes have monthly start dates and range in length from eight to 16 weeks, giving students more flexibility in scheduling. 3 College of Southern Nevada • • Students can learn a foreign language and prepare for a bachelor's degree by earning an online Associate of Arts in World Languages from the College of Southern Nevada. The college offers classes in a wide range of languages, not just the typical French, Spanish and German.
Languages taught at Southern Nevada include Arabic, Chinese, and Russian. This is a 61-credit programs that covers general education classes and includes 14 credits in one of the available languages. By graduation, students should be able to hold conversations in the language, read it, and be familiar with the culture of the language's native speakers. 4 Lamar University • • Lamar University's Department of English and Modern Languages offers a Master of Arts in Teaching Spanish that is presented in collaboration with the University of Salamanca, Spain, where students complete five weeks of study abroad during the summer.
This is a 30-credit program, and students can take all the Lamar classes online aside from a teaching practicum course. Applicants must have a bachelor's degree in Spanish and must prove proficiency in the Spanish language.
The target audience for this program is current teachers of Spanish at any grade level who want to advance their skills and students with a Spanish degree who want a master's degree. Classes cover art, literature, and culture as well as teaching methods. 5 New Mexico State University-Main Campus • • New Mexico State University offers a Master of Arts in Spanish that can be completed entirely online with no requirements for any campus visits. Harry potter deathly hallows part 2 full. Students choose to focus either on linguistics or literature. The program requires students to complete 36 credits. All classes are taught entirely in Spanish, and all student work turned must be entirely in Spanish.

Free Online Foreign Language Courses For Kids
Applicants to the program should have an undergraduate degree in Spanish or a closely related field. Master's candidates will also have to prove they are proficient in another language besides Spanish and English to earn their degree.
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This is a non-thesis program requiring students to pass a written and oral exam. 6 Oregon State University • • Students interested in a degree in a foreign language can earn a Bachelor of Arts in German or Spanish through Oregon State University, which offers an entirely online bachelor's program. To earn the degree, students must complete 180 quarter credits, including general education requirements.